Speculations on Architecture, Cultural Text and Visual Representations

CITYalias: Architecture and Cultural Text, txt by Jeff Derksen
CITYalias: the City as cultural software, txt by Nancy Shaw

What can be considered the source of a City?
Image.source negotiates the relation of the constituting factors of cityscapes and the interpretative discourses of the built environment.

based on the work image.source: Four b/w photographs (aerial views from
the social housing complex Bijlmer, Amsterdam) are digitized and transferred into ASCII images. ASCII images are usually constructed by random Text-characters; however, in "image.source" a specific text is embedded within the random characters through the use of a customized script. In this way, the text has both a visual and a semantic function. In each image there are approximately 20 pages text by Saskia Sassen, Rem Koolhaas, Walter Gropius and Mike Davis embedded.

Credits: Photographs © Sabine Bitter; Perlscript Karl Seiringer

sourceCITY is presented @ immaterial.net

If the city is read as text - architecture becomes the cultural text
through which the economic and the social are read.
A speculation on the potential of row houses.

syntaxCITY is based on "Almere.txt", which was commissioned as an artist insert for the dutch architecture magazine Archis, and published in nov 1999 in a special issue on the "New Dutchtown" Almere, a "modelcity" next to Amsterdam. In collaboration with Jeff Derksen.
"Almere.txt", rematerializes hundreds of photos of family homes in Almere, into text-like lines in order to make their form and typologies readable. These text-houses are digitally duplicated -- or more accurately repeated and reiterated -- into stacked formations mimicing large social housing projects and skyscrapers. The joined cultural and the economic mediation and determinations of these forms of housing with very different social functions is materialized -- and made readable -- through this reiteration and rearticulation.

View the original image/text pages: 1, 2, 3, 4

The hype of virtual architecture.
Does the potential of new technology only come down to themepark cities, cineplexes and leisure entertainment?
Is agency spaced out?

cacheCITY is based on the videowork Z_orb.
Credits: Zorb-Footage © Sabine Bitter/Helmut Weber; Mask-editing by Kurt Hennrich/fischerfilm; Soundtrack by Peter Rantasa

CITYalias_Constructing Sites
CITYalias was exhibited at the DePaviljoens, Almere,NL
04 - 06/2000

Joke Robaard, Bart Lootsma, Mariette van Stralen, Archis,
Lia Gieling, Martine Spanjers, DePaviljoens, Berlage Institut,
Roland Ritter, Werner Wolf, MUWA
Julia Meltzer, Sina Najafi, Luke Murphy, immaterial.net

financial support
City of Linz, Cultural Department
Institute for Cultural Affairs, Country Upperaustria
Department for Supranational Mediaproduction, BKA, Austria

Sabine Bitter
Jeff Derksen
Helmut Weber
